Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Since starting this project to write me yet-to-be-named novel, I was looking through my bookshelves to see what books that I, or my domestic partner, have on writing. Here are a few highlights:

1) Bird by Bird - Anne Lamott

2) The Writing Life - Annie Dillard

3) On Writing - Stephen King

4) Burning Down the House - Charles Baxter

5) Writing Down the Bones - Natalie Goldberg

I haven't read any of these but I plan on diving into them soon, starting with Dillard. I'll share my thoughts, if any in fact come, as I read.

I start typing this weekend.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

By Way Of Introduction

Welcome to One Man Against the Page, the blog where I will chronicle my (futile) attempts at writing a novel. Undoubtedly readers of this blog will learn a little more about me and my nascent book as this blog progresses, but I wanted to give you some information about me and this blog and what better way to do that than through the FAQ* format.

1) Who are you?
I am a 30 something midwesterner who just finished a graduate program in a field that I am only vaguely interested in. I have always had it in the back of my mind that I wanted to write but, like many would be writers, fear or lazyness or lack of talent or something prevents them from undertaking the journey. I am undertaking the journey.

2) What is your book about?
At this point, I would rather not say too much about the plot. I have a vague idea what the story will be, what the theme is, and who my characters are, but where exactly it's going to go and if it's even going to get there are questions still to be answered.

3) What's your writing schedule?
I do most of my writing at night and on weekends. I see it like this, if I can write a chapter a month, and the book is maybe 20 something chapters, that means I should have what is more or less a finished draft in approximately two years. Whether or not this schedule is realistic or feasible remains to be seen.

4) Do you have any writing experience?

5) Why have a blog? Why not just write your book?
Good questions. I don't know, I just thought it would be nice to have a diary of some sort to chart my progress or lack thereof. Along the way I hope to also link to writing resources I find along the way as well as discuss things I have read that I found interesting. Hopefully, in time there will be others who will find this blog and contribute stories of their own experiences with, what could be pretentiously called the craft.

6) Do you really want to get published?

7) Do you think you actually will get published?

8) Are you a full time writer?
Good god, no. I recently (5/20/2009) finished a graduate program and I am presently looking for work in my field. I have secured employment for the summer of 2009 butI am currently looking for a full time position. At this point, in this economy, prospects remain dim.

9) Do you write anything else or are you just working on this book?
As of right now I am solely working on this book, perhaps in due time I will investigate other opportunities and see if there is anything I could write freelance.

10) Do you have any formal training or education as a writer?
Nope. None. My undergraduate degree is in History and my post-graduate degree is a professional degree. I have no training, experience, education, or knowledge about writing at all. Can't you tell?

11) How far are you into writing this book?
As of today (5/26/2009) I am on Chapter One, Page One. I start in

*Note: The FAQs are not actual "Frequently Asked Questions." Nobody has ever asked me any of these questions--ever. And yet I answered them anyway.